With Her APP

With Her APP

With Her APP

An app to provide a sense of safety for women while traveling alone at night.

iOS & Desktop

An app to provide a sense of safety for women while traveling alone at night.


2022.9 - 2022.12 (4 months)


2022.9 - 2022.12 (4 months)


2022.9 - 2022.12 (4 months)

My Roles

User Research, Usability Testing, UX&UI Design


User Research, Usability Testing, Interaction Design, UI Design

My Roles

User Research, Usability Testing, UX&UI Design


Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Figjam


Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Figjam


Adobe XD, Adobe Illustrator, Figjam


Anirudh Kundu, Charlotte Du, Erin Zhan, Priyanshee Shah, Ziyi Jiang


Anirudh Kundu, Charlotte Du. Erin Zhan, Priyanshee Shah, Ziyi Jiang


Anirudh Kundu, Charlotte Du, Erin Zhan, Priyanshee Shah, Ziyi Jiang







One-third of the global population, particularly women, feels unsafe when traveling alone at night due to various potential dangers. Existing solutions primarily focus on post-case scenarios. Some preventive measures cannot prevent users from danger effectively or with regional restriction. The need for precautionary solutions that help users avoid hazardous situations is emphasized. Women often rely on talking with someone trusted to alleviate mental stress and receive assistance in case of danger, highlighting the importance of conversation and suggesting possibilities for interaction design interventions.

Design Response

Design Response

Design Response

Our design connects users to a helper online when going home alone at night. Users can set preferences for the helper demographic and the system will identify a helper when requested. Users have access to the helper’s information and rating, and can favorite the helper after the call. The app aims to provide a safe network and positive environment to protect females from potential dangers on their way home and promote the act of kindness in the community. 

Use Scenario

Use Scenario

Use Scenario




Why we care?

Why we care?

Why we care?

1/3rd of the world’s population, primarily women, feel unsafe while traveling alone at night. (“Goal 16 | Department of Economic and Social Affairs”) Anyone faced with the challenge to navigate streets alone after sundown feels susceptible to harm. Kidnappings, thefts, snatchings, and rapes to name a few are predominant dangers that scare people.

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis

Competitive Analysis

User Research

User Research

User Research



To narrow down target user group and scenarios


To realize what women fear and why


To understand users' reactions and feelings


















13 interviewees

Young women from different countries and cultures around the U.S. with experience walking alone at night.

13 interviewees

Young women from different countries and cultures around the U.S. with experience walking alone at night.

13 interviewees

Young women from different countries and cultures around the U.S. with experience walking alone at night.


Fears and Thoughts

Actions and Feelings



Darkness means uncertainty for women. They don't know when & what will happen, which causes fear.


The self-defense equipment they carry is unreliable and difficult to be truly effective in times of crisis.


Even if they are aware someone nearby may pose a threat to them, they cannot prevent the danger from happening.


Companionship, whether physical or virtual, makes them feel safe, but it's hard to have it anytime they need.


If someone commits a crime against them, they are not sure they can protect themselves and seek help from others immediately.




Personas, Scenarios & Empathy Maps

Personas, Scenarios & Empathy Maps

Personas, Scenarios & Empathy Maps

Design Requirements

Design Requirements

Design Requirements

Low learning cost / easy to use

A sense of companion for women

Deter people with bad intentions

Immediate assistance / sending help signal

HMW help women travelling alone at darkness in terms of keeping them safe and making them feel safe?




Questions, Options, Criteria (QOC) diagram

Questions, Options, Criteria (QOC) diagram

Questions, Options, Criteria (QOC) diagram

QOC diagram enables people to narrow down options based on a goal and defined critera. Based on my problem statement and research findings, the same takeaways were utilized to draft criteria and a small brainstorm session was organized to develop potential tools that would solve users' problem. To move forward with one direction, QOC diagram was chosen to eliminate options that are not efficient enough. This QOC strategy allows our group to visually organize decision-making process and illustrate how a choice can best respond to the design goal and meet the desin requirements.

QOC diagram enables people to narrow down options based on a goal and defined critera. Based on my problem statement and research findings, the same takeaways were utilized to draft criteria and a small brainstorm session was organized to develop potential tools that would solve users' problem. To move forward with one direction, QOC diagram was chosen to eliminate options that are not efficient enough. This QOC strategy allows our group to visually organize decision-making process and illustrate how a choice can best respond to the design goal and meet the desin requirements.

Idea Exploration

Idea Exploration

Idea Exploration




User Flow

User Flow

User Flow




1st Round Iteration with Uasability Testing

1st Round Iteration with Uasability Testing

1st Round Iteration with Uasability Testing

Usability Testing

2 Tasks

Task 1 Connect with a helper for help

Task 2 Change the signal word while calling the helper

1st Iterations



How to improve

Digital Prototype Initial Version

Digital Prototype Initial Version

Digital Prototype Initial Version

2nd Round Usability Testing & Iteration

2nd Round Usability Testing & Iteration

2nd Round Usability Testing & Iteration


In - group critique

Usability testing

Peer critique

2nd Iterations



How to improve






Our design connects users to a helper online when going home alone at night. Users can set preferences for the helper demographic and the system will identify a helper when requested. Users have access to the helper’s information and rating, and can favorite the helper after the call. The app aims to provide a safe network and positive environment to protect females from potential dangers on their way home and promote the act of kindness in the community. 

Demo video

Demo video

Demo video

Interactive Prototype

Interactive Prototype

Interactive Prototype

Iteractive Prototype

Click here to try the interactive prototype

Click here to try the interactive prototype

Key Features

Key Features

Key Features

Key Feature 1

Connect with helpers

The platform serves a online service for women who travel alone at night to request a helper to stay connected, which provides them with a sense of companion, to deter bad guys, and call the police if there is an emergency.

The platform serves a online service for women who travel alone at night to request a helper to stay connected, which provides them with a sense of companion, to deter bad guys, and call the police if there is an emergency.

Key Feature 2

Signal word

Signal word is only between the user and the helper. When the user says this word, the helper will know she is in a dire situation and call the police for her. Users are allowed to change the signal word anytime.

Signal word is only between the user and the helper. When the user says this word, the helper will know she is in a dire situation and call the police for her. Users are allowed to change the signal word anytime.

Key Feature 3

Live location sharing

Users are allowed to turn on video and share live location with the helper to make sure the route is tracked and protected. Also the location sharing window can be pinned at the top of the screen.

Users are allowed to turn on video and share live location with the helper to make sure the route is tracked and protected. Also the location sharing window can be pinned at the top of the screen.

Key Feature 4

Post - call & Favorites

After a call ends, users can rate the helper and add comments, as well as adding this helper to "Favorites", which is a list for the user to reconnect this helper to get the service next time.

After a call ends, users can rate the helper and add comments, as well as adding this helper to "Favorites", which is a list for the user to reconnect this helper to get the service next time.




If we have more time…

Within this platform, two key components were identified: the help-requester-end and the help-provider-end. Owing to the time constraints inherent in this course project, our exclusive focus has been on refining the help-requester-end. Looking ahead, our expectation extends to the ongoing development of this initiative, with the aim of comprehensively designing and maturing the system to meet the highest standards of functionality and efficacy.

Within this platform, two key components were identified: the help-requester-end and the help-provider-end. Owing to the time constraints inherent in this course project, our exclusive focus has been on refining the help-requester-end. Looking ahead, our expectation extends to the ongoing development of this initiative, with the aim of comprehensively designing and maturing the system to meet the highest standards of functionality and efficacy.

Potential Impact

One-third of the global population, particularly women, feels unsafe when traveling alone at night due to various potential dangers such as kidnappings, thefts, snatchings, and rapes. In terms of existing solutions, some of them primarily focus on post-case scenarios. Some preventive measures cannot prevent users from danger effectively or with regional restriction. The need for precautionary solutions that help users avoid hazardous situations is emphasized. Women often rely on talking with someone trusted to alleviate mental stress and potentially receive assistance in case of danger, highlighting the importance of conversation and suggesting possibilities for interaction design interventions.

One-third of the global population, particularly women, feels unsafe when traveling alone at night due to various potential dangers such as kidnappings, thefts, snatchings, and rapes. In terms of existing solutions, some of them primarily focus on post-case scenarios. Some preventive measures cannot prevent users from danger effectively or with regional restriction. The need for precautionary solutions that help users avoid hazardous situations is emphasized. Women often rely on talking with someone trusted to alleviate mental stress and potentially receive assistance in case of danger, highlighting the importance of conversation and suggesting possibilities for interaction design interventions.

Ethical Consideration

While developing our design, we were aware of its potential to inadvertently exclude men, who may also fear traveling alone at night. Although our initial focus is on women, due to their greater vulnerability, this does not suggest men's concerns are invalid. Our aim is to first cater to those most at risk before extending our solutions to a broader audience in subsequent updates. While currently tailored for women, men can also use our design, and we plan to conduct further research to make our application more universally applicable in the future.                            

While developing our design, we were aware of its potential to inadvertently exclude men, who may also fear traveling alone at night. Although our initial focus is on women, due to their greater vulnerability, this does not suggest men's concerns are invalid. Our aim is to first cater to those most at risk before extending our solutions to a broader audience in subsequent updates. While currently tailored for women, men can also use our design, and we plan to conduct further research to make our application more universally applicable in the future.                            

For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me!

Made with cups of coffee ☕️☕️☕️ and a loud laptop fan

@ Ziyi Jiang 2024

For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me!

Made with cups of coffee ☕️☕️☕️ and a loud laptop fan

@ Ziyi Jiang 2024

For work inquires feel free to get in touch with me!

Made with cups of coffee ☕️☕️☕️ and a loud laptop fan

@ Ziyi Jiang 2024